Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Riley Verses The... New Human

My name is Riley (hence the title of the blog) and I am nearly 10 years old in human years. Approximately 3 years ago I moved from my previous dwelling (involuntarily mind you...) into what was called a "humane society." Now, please tell me, what is humane about keeping me locked up in a 3'x3'x2' box? Seriously, they should be called the "inhumane society" with how *I* was treated. But I digress... ahem, where was I?

So, three years ago I began living with this new human... She found me in my little, pathetic box and said that I needed more room to stretch out my long legs and vocal cords (did I mention I am Siamese???)...  So what does my "savior" do??? get this, she puts me in a *smaller* box (seriously people?) then puts me in a car (I used to live outside, yes I know what a car is... :-P) and drives and drives and drives and drives... I am pretty sure I am now living on the other side of the world. (Should I say "yeeoooowwww-mate" now?) We make it "home" and I check out my new residence... It'll do I suppose... one bedroom, one bed... I wonder where she'll sleep? Sun beams peak through windows, check... food dish, check... WITH food, double check!... water dish, check... bathroom, check... I guess I can make do with this and the human seems nice enough. She tells me that she's my new mom and I lick my paw, pretending not to listen to her. It's good to set the house rules when one moves into a new house and I was certainly not going to let her think for even a second that I would listen to her... if she wanted someone to listen she can get herself a dog (but not on MY watch!) or a shrink...

That was day one folks... Other than her launching me across the room a couple of times when I accidentally got in front of her (geesh, don't people watch where they're walking???) there isn't much to report... Oh the date was January 1st, 2008, I was about 7 years old (get this, the new human gave me a birthday of April 1st... she said something about fools???) and I'm a very handsome blue point siamese (and single!).

Yowls and meows,

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