Wow... 2012... Can you believe it? New Years has a special place in my heart since that's when Mom picked me up from the Inhumane Society and took me home in an itty bitty box... Now I have a house! Woot Woot!
So... without further ado... <drumroll please> my...
New Year's Resolutions!
1. Will bat my torture treat chamber on my own without whining (okay, so this isn't really realistic, but isn't that the point to New Year's Resolutions???)
2. Will not stick my paw up mom's nose while she's sleeping (What? I need to stretch out... Not my fault her big ol' honker is in my way!).
3. Will not trip mom going down the stairs (maybe ebay has some blinky lights I can attach to my tail so mom can SEE me in the dark... geesh)
4. Will not protest (LOUDLY) when she rolls over while she's sleeping and then get my lovely claws stuck in her hair (I wonder if she ever heard of a hairnet? Or maybe she could twisty turvy it into a bun.... Or MAYBE she could just stop freaking rolling over!)
5. And finally... I will obediently listen when mom tells me to "Shut Up" for the 418th time. (Cause I know she really doesn't mean it if she only says it 417 times... She just likes to hear herself *tawk* LOL, did I mention mom's a "New Yawkah?" Bwaaahaahaahaaa)
And that, my loyal fans, is my New Year's Resolutions of 2012... What are yours? And who wants to place bets on how long I last... Mom gives me 'til January 13th...
So... without further ado... <drumroll please> my...
New Year's Resolutions!
1. Will bat my torture treat chamber on my own without whining (okay, so this isn't really realistic, but isn't that the point to New Year's Resolutions???)
2. Will not stick my paw up mom's nose while she's sleeping (What? I need to stretch out... Not my fault her big ol' honker is in my way!).
3. Will not trip mom going down the stairs (maybe ebay has some blinky lights I can attach to my tail so mom can SEE me in the dark... geesh)
4. Will not protest (LOUDLY) when she rolls over while she's sleeping and then get my lovely claws stuck in her hair (I wonder if she ever heard of a hairnet? Or maybe she could twisty turvy it into a bun.... Or MAYBE she could just stop freaking rolling over!)
5. And finally... I will obediently listen when mom tells me to "Shut Up" for the 418th time. (Cause I know she really doesn't mean it if she only says it 417 times... She just likes to hear herself *tawk* LOL, did I mention mom's a "New Yawkah?" Bwaaahaahaahaaa)
And that, my loyal fans, is my New Year's Resolutions of 2012... What are yours? And who wants to place bets on how long I last... Mom gives me 'til January 13th...