Sunday, March 6, 2011

Riley Verses The... Mouse

So…. I don’t know what all the commotion was about, but since I’m getting a bad rep, I wanted to put my side of the story out there…

On a cool October evening in 2009, I strolled down for my pre-midnight snack. (That stingy mom of mine rations my food - thinks I’m getting chubby. I told her I was just growing into my fur, but as usual she doesn’t listen and tells me to be quiet.) As I was slowly chewing the last few tidbits in my bowl, my big Siamese ears detected a noise coming from the kitchen. I heard it that morning around the fridge, but even with that big stick mom was shoving under the fridge nothing but dust bunnies came out.  Perhaps if she cleaned more often, we wouldn’t have so many bunnies…  As I was saying, ahem, I heard a noise that mom was obviously oblivious to. I called to her, but the light was out and she pretended to not hear me; figures. Being the loyal companion that I am, I staked the joint out… I would show her that I wasn’t fat and useless… so I waited… and waited… and waited… I might have dozed at some point, but I was sacrificing … no warm bed… no covers to snuggle under… geesh… you’d think she would come down to see if I was okay… but NOOOO… just sleeping the night away like she has nothing better to do… Hmmph… Wait, what was that? I think I saw something… AHA! I found the source of the noise! It’s a little thing… like those toys I never play with, only a little bigger… 1 *wiggle*….. 2 *wiggle*……2 ½ *wiggle wiggle*…………….. 3! *Pounce* Darn missed… *POUNCE* I got you- you wascally mousey toy… <shake> <shake> Hmm… didn’t rattle like my toys… I think it’s broken…  so, I brought it up to mom to see if she could fix it… La deee da… Ooh, better be careful… I don’t want any tooth marks on it or she’ll yell at me for being too rough with my toys again… last time all the stuffing and the rattle came out… I tippy-toed up the stairs as quiet as a mouse… he he he… she’ll find that funny, I’ll have to tell her… Up on the bed, ooh her eyes opened… I have to tell her the hilarious thing I said… lets just drop this here… Woah, what happened? Why is mom in the other room now? Why is she yelling at me?  Um.. but… I said the funniest thing! Darn it got away… now how will she fix the rattle? Wait, where did mom go now? Yoooooo hoooooo??? I have a very funny story to tell you… where did you go??? Oh there she is… coming up the stairs with that stick... Anyway… as I was saying... I was heading up the stairs real quiet like see, and I said, "I’ll tippy-toe up the stairs as quiet as a mouse…!" Ha ha ha ha… Get it? I had a mouse… quiet as a mouse?  Why aren’t you laughing? It’s funny! Boy sometimes she’s dense… Are you even listening? Why are you after my toy? What are you doing? It’s just a toy… and the rattle is broken… we can just throw it away… Alright alright… I’ll look for it… stop your yelling… What are you doing with that broom? I told you I’m looking… I think it went under the bed… I’ll sneak up on it again… La dee daaaa… HOLY MOLEY! (Holy mousy???) What was that??? <insert large scary mouse shadow here>

Okay, she’s on her own… I’m going downstairs to see if there are any other toys she hasn’t picked up… maybe she should get a housekeeper since she’s obviously not Martha Stewart…

Woah, why is she bringing me upstairs? Didn’t she see that mouse???? (I saw it under the bed and it's HUGE! And SCARY!) I’m outta here… I’ll look later... maybe… but I doubt it… I lost a lot of sleep last night… I think I’ll take a nap… have a good day at work mom… *snore* *snore*

And that is what happened… What did she tell you happened???

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